This story is part of a series of submissions to Central Current by CNY Fair Housing explaining its Run the Redline event and how redlining affects Syracuse. CNY Fair Housing is a nonprofit organization dedicated to ensuring housing access and eliminating housing discrimination.

CNY Fair Housing will host the first ‘Run the Redline’ through portions of downtown Syracuse on Sept. 17. The route — which can be run, rolled or strolled — traces a portion of the red lines drawn across the city by federal and local housing officials during the 1930s.

“Government officials drew these maps to intentionally divide communities along racial, ethnic, and socio-economic lines, and we are still living with the consequences of those decisions today,” said Alex Lawson, Policy Coordinator at CNY Fair Housing.

Run the Redline will allow participants to see the impacts of redlining and urban renewal firsthand by moving through spaces shaped by these public policies. Participants will run, stroll or roll along the borders of redlined districts. Throughout the race, historical images, provided by Onondaga Historical Association, will offer glimpses of the neighborhood’s past to show redlining’s lasting impact.

“This event comes at a pivotal time in our development with the removal of the I-81 viaduct,” said Sally Santangelo, Executive Director of CNY Fair Housing. “As we reimagine what these neighborhoods can be, it’s important to have an opportunity to experience the impact of the historic practices that shaped our community and families.”

Throughout the months of August and September, CNY Fair Housing will continue this series on redlining and Syracuse, providing an in-depth look into redlining’s effect on our community members, and how we as neighbors can work together to create inclusive housing policy. 

Click here if you would like to join Run the Redline or support the work of CNY Fair Housing, visit.

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